About Poppy Monk Needlepoint

About Poppy Monk Needlepoint
Brenda has been making things with fiber her entire life.
Chinese Ornamental needlepoint kit
First, it was macramé. Then knitting. Then she discovered needlepoint, and Brenda knew she had found her happy place.
To channel a developing needlepoint addiction into something she didn't have to put down during the day, Brenda turned it into a career. (Clever thinking.)
Born To Be Wild needlepoint kit
She has worked for a well-known needlepoint brand and owned a successful needlepoint company. She thought she might retire and rediscover stitching as only a hobby.
But she started Poppy Monk Needlepoint instead.
Poppy Monk is all about affordable needlepoint kits with beautiful fibers - mostly lustrous silks - and hours of relaxation built right in.
The instructions are easy to follow. Decorative stitch options are often included. The canvases are accurately printed, and new designs appear all the time. Everything is constructed in the USA.
Poppy Monk needlepoint kits are small stitching projects, for beginners and experts. We have everything planned so you can unwind with needle and thread.