Six Needlepoint Stitches For Small Spaces August 27, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Do you struggle to find decorative needlepoint stitches to fit in small spaces? Discover 6 ideas for needlepoint stitches that will get you out of a tight spot!
Trending Needlepoint Designs For Fall August 09, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Discover needlepoint design trends for fall at Poppy Monk.
Let's Be Open About This: Why We Love Open Needlepoint Stitches July 26, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Why you should consider using open stitches on your needlepoint canvas.
Wave Pattern Needlepoint Stitch July 19, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint The Wave Pattern decorative needlepoint stitch makes waves of the good kind!
Spotlight on the Needlepoint Balloon Stitch July 11, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint The movie star of needlepoint stitches!
Spotlight on Diamond Leaves: A Fabulous Needlepoint Stitch for Trees May 28, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Make your shrubs, trees and forests come to life with this little-known needlepoint stitch.
From Bland to Grand: A Guide to Creating a Stunning Needlepoint Gallery Wall April 30, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Showcase your needlework creativity. Let your wall of art grow with your stitching collection.
Spotlight on the Needlepoint Milanese Stitch April 10, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint A super-versatile stitch that can make mountains soar or fabrics sumptuously textured depending upon the threads you use.
Taming Needlepoint Thread Ends | Securing Decorative Stitches March 20, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Decorative stitches are fun, but it can be difficult to secure the thread ends. Learn easy techniques to secure needlepoint threads in tricky situations.
Three Surprising Needlepoint Background Stitches March 06, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Discover 3 unusual needlepoint background stitches that are lots of fun and not too challenging.
Needlepoint Revolution: Unleash Your Inner Stitch Master with Poppy Monk. February 07, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint Discover innovative techniques to add pizazz to your stitching.
Poppy Monk's Picks: Trending Needlepoint Designs for 2024. January 14, 2024Poppy Monk Needlepoint What will be the trends to hit Poppy Monk needlepoint in 2024. Read on to find out.