Stitch Guide for Vase of Flowers Needlepoint
Here are some (completely optional) stitch suggestions we think will rock this Vase of Flowers needlepoint design.
Try them, or any other stitches, and send us a pic!
Background - Skip Tent stitch because it delivers a pretty pattern and will still let the design take center stage.
Two White Flowers - (Modified) Alternating Mosaic (see note above the partially stitched image below) which is small enough to fit on most of the petals, and it is easily compensated. You can stitch some of the smaller petals in Tent stitch.
Closed Blue Flower - Try a Vertical Interlocking Gobelin stitch which could slope different ways for the left and right sides of this flower (or not).
Orange Band on Vase - a nice and easy parallel Satin stitch will look smooth and glossy in the salmon-colored silk.
Vase Motifs - Upright Cross stitch will give these some elevation and relief.
All other areas are Tent stitch—unless you feel the urge to keep on embellishing which you absolutely should go right ahead and follow through on.
There are decorative stitch books to help you here.
All of these stitches are in our Stitch Library.
NB: For the white flowers we ended up using a Modified Alternating mosaic because we liked how it looked by leaving it open. We did this by omitting the second (lettered) stage of this stitch (see the Stitch Library for details).

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Happy stitching!