Six Needlepoint Stitches For Small Spaces


Do you struggle to find decorative needlepoint stitches that show well in small spaces?

Do you need a stitch that is small enough that you can fit more than one pattern repeat in your space, yet distinctive enough that you can see the pattern?

Here are six decorative needlepoint stitches that work well in most small spaces:

1. Upright Cross Stitch

This is a favorite because it adds a nice texture and fits in very small spaces. We use it a lot for things like the center of flowers, buttons, branches; anywhere you want to add some texture but don't have a lot of room.


The cream face on this Reindeer Needlepoint Kit is an Upright Cross stitch.

And we have also used it on the stem of this Botanical Leaf needlepoint kit...

Needlepoint Upright Cross stitch

 2. Small Leaf Variation 

This cuter-than-cute, tiny stitch produces a lacy look that is non-directional and easy to compensate.  While it can be used anywhere, it is particularly good for foliage and fur.

needlepoint leaf stitch for a small space


Here's how you would work the Leaf Variation stitch into a small space...

needlepoint leaf variation stitch

3. Double Brick Stitch

You could include (single) Brick stitch here, too, but the Double Brick looks more sumptuous. Here it is on the background of the mini Van Gogh Irises...

needlepoint Double Brick stitch
And this same stitch is worked horizontally on the orange flowers of this Bella needlepoint kit...
Bella needlepoint kit
The Brick and Double Brick stitches can be worked vertically or horizontally.


4. Damask Stitch

The Damask stitch is nice and smooth and produces an elegant tone-on-tone effect.  

needlepoint stitches for small spaces damask stitch

It works well anywhere that you want a relatively untextured look - maybe flower petals, windows, water, clouds and small patches of smooth grass. 

The Damask stitch is easily compensated by shortening the stitch length to fit around other objects. Here's how it is worked...

 needlepoint damask stitch for small spaces

For this diagram we have worked the Damask stitch over two intersections to fit in a small space. It is also a great stitch for backgrounds and larger areas if worked over three intersections. Notice that it does leave some of the canvas showing so be aware of that when choosing your thread thickness (the thinner your thread the more canvas will show), and the area you are placing it over for color matching.

5. Mosaic Stitch

Pple and Pear Still Life needlepoint kit
The pear on this Apple and Pear Still Life is stitched in Mosaic. Crossing only 1 or 2 intersections, it fits in very small spaces.


needlepoint Mosaic stitch


6. Woven Stitch

Summer needlepoint kit with decorative stitch guide

The red hat on this Summer Vibes needlepoint design is stitched in Woven stitch. The stitch directions alternate which means they provide texture but not a strong direction, so this is a go-to stitch for almost any situation.


needlepoint Woven stitch


Shop premium needlepoint kits that come with decorative stitch guides.

Needlepoint kits with decorative stitches


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