Custom Needlepoint Printing and Destashing

Our apologies, but we no longer offer a custom-printing service.


Needlepoint custom printing is a great way to do some needlepoint destashing. Do you have leftover threads in your stash from past needlepoint projects? Maybe it's time for a spring clean.

Let us help you do some needlepoint thread stash busting with a custom printed needlepoint canvas that is designed to use up the threads you have lying around. 

How does custom needlepoint printing work?

We color-print your design onto needlepoint canvas, and you use threads from your stash to stitch it.

Let's say you have a bunch of pink and green silks left over from a project. Maybe it's just enough to print a mini stocking for a family member...

custom needlepoint mini stocking design

Maybe you have a saying you love. We can print that using colors you have in your thread stash. 

custom needlepoint design idea for destashing



If you're familiar with super-easy (and free) design programs, like, then you can design the artwork yourself and only pay for the printed canvas (prices start at $35 for a 5" x 5" or similar). Or, if you need some help with the design we can provide what you need.

Do you love monograms? Nothing says custom needlepoint like a monogram.

custom needlepoint monogram


Are you welcoming a new baby into the family? A needlepoint ornament is quick to stitch, makes the perfect stash-buster, and can be customized for your special angel so they can cherish it forever.

Your child's or grandchild's art work can often be turned into a small needlepoint design.

custom needlepoint design idea for destashing


Maybe you have a bunch of colors in your needlepoint stash. You can stash bust them with a design that uses lots of colors.

There are so many options for needlepoint destashing when you custom print your own design onto needlepoint canvas.

custom needlepoint design idea for destashing

Reaching out to us about custom needlepoint printing is free! Just fill in the form, and provide as much detail as you can, including an attachment if you already have a design idea. Tells us what you have in mind in terms of the type design, the colors you are looking to use as part of your personal needlepoint destashing program, and the size of the design. 

We will look it over, let you know if we think it will work and be stitch-able, suggest adjustments if needed, and give you an estimate of the cost for your custom printed needlepoint design.

The idea is that you will use your threads to stitch the design, but if you need threads to supplement we can usually help with that, too.

So, contact us today about needlepoint custom printing and destashing and let's get stitching!

